Chat Room

tags: Python Tkinter Socket programming


In my sophomore year, I wanted to explore GUI programming in Python and as a result I built this project where I also worked with sockets for the first time.


The objective of this project was to build a broadcast chat room with GUI that allowed communicating over LAN.


- Server

- Client

Client and server
First client connected to the server

Second client enters
Second client joins in (Client 1 is notified of client 2)

Message from client 1 is broadcasted
Message from Client 1 is broadcasted to all other clients

Client 3 exits
Client 3 exits and all other clients are notified

What I learned

This was my first (and the only time, so far) where I worked with GUI in Python. It was also the first time when I learned to connect to a database using Python (the username and passwords you see in the images were actually being stored in a database).

All in all, it was really fun!

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